Benefits of Membership
The Redwood Art Association is the organization that provides Humboldt County artists a time and place to exhibit and sell their visual art. We do this by organizing and promoting large art exhibitions at our gallery at 603 F Street in Eureka. Our more than 300 members range from nationally known to emerging artists.
Benefits of Membership
A professional gallery in which to show and sell your art
Numerous professional exhibitions to display your work
Opportunities to network with other artists
Workshops and lectures presented by artists and art authorities
Personal Galleries available to rent for your personal exhibitions
Membership meetings and social events
Special Receptions for judged exhibitions
Notifications of businesses seeking art for display
Links to your website on the RAA website
The Redwood Art Quarterly (newsletter)
Facebook exposure
Use your RAA membership card to receive discounts at local merchants:
Ellis Art and Engineering - 20% Discount on art supplies
Eureka Glass Company - 15% Discount on glass used for artwork
Eureka Art and Frame - 10% Discount
Art Center Frame Shop - 10% Discount
Eureka Books - 10% Discount on art books
By nurturing artistic creativity in this way, the Redwood Art Association is supporting visual arts as an important and indispensable part of life and the economy of Humboldt County. We have been serving Humboldt County artists since 1956.
We invite you to join our community of artists. There are seven categories of membership. If you have the financial means, we invite you to join at the Friend of the Gallery level or above.
Buy One Give One
Joining or renewing at the Sustaining Member category or above gives you the opportunity to gift an Individual Membership to a fellow artist or friend. This is a wonderful way to welcome a new member or returning member that has not been a member for at least one year. A gift membership application form will be sent to you to have the new member complete and return. Help us grow our membership and help another artist at the same time.
What a lovely gift from you!