In the flow 63x42 Siderotype on Fabric: Cyanotype ( size unframed) $500
North Coast Sunset 12x12 Photo (unframed print) $75
Fading Beauty 18x12 photography Award of Merit "This is the first flower photograph I’ve seen with an objectifying female gaze. While I’m a sucker for minimal depth of field and generally a hater of flower pics, the unconventional movement, color and texture of this image makes for a very pleasurable Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup for the eyes. While the pollen is so crisp it makes me reach for my allergy meds, that awesome centering balance of secondary colors aiming my pupils straight to the primary yellow anthers of the stamen before dropping down that awaiting purple half-pipe slide makes it all worth it."
Planetary N-fluence 18x24 Mixed Media
History of Change 20x16 Acrylic
Angel's Window 36x24 Acrylic on canvas $3900
Homage to Mark Tobey 24x36 Photograph/Archival pigment print $2500
Prayer with Shell 8x10 Still life, digital capture $200
Behind The Barn 8x10 oil-plein air $400