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A Focus on Fiber 2022

An in-gallery judged exhibition

Exhibition Poster

May 18th - June 17th

Rules Governing the Exhibition
Online Entry: Friday, May 6th - Friday, May 13th at 8:00 pm
Paper Application Deadline: Thursday, May 5th
Entry Day: Saturday, May 14th
Pick-Up Day: Saturday, June 18th

Judge: Sondra Schwetman

On May 16 I had the pleasure of viewing the 2022 RAA Fibers Exhibition. One of the nice things about this fibers exhibition is that such a wide variety of work from so many different walks of life are present. I was impressed by the number of different types of fiber techniques and of scale of work, from the very intimate to quite large. There are traditional items such as sweaters, weaving, books, quilts and so on; and there are also contemporary takes on these traditional methods. A strong sense of craftsmanship can be seen from the entire community of work.

When I judge an exhibition, I look for many things. I get an overall feel of the show then start paring it down, which in this case was tough. There are great examples of different types of actual quilting methods, some machine, some free hand. I also like the various uses for fabric in quilting and books and I like the fact that there were garments included – wearable art is great!

The postmodern deconstruction of traditional fibers expectations is very interesting. We think of fibers through the ages from underground railway wayfinding quilts, to the Bayeux tapestry and we carry our expectations. Those traditional viewpoints are very limiting and I think an exhibition like this can really open eyes. One can anticipate the familiar textures and be surprised to find new sensations. I look at fiber works in terms of being related to sculpture or related to painting dimensionally and positionally and feel they should inhabit the same public space. I think an exhibition like this also calls out the thought that the fiber art genre belongs only to the domestic sphere and are therefore less desirable in the art world. I think those thoughts can be put to rest!

The most wonderful thing about all of these artworks is that you want to touch them! The fibers are so gorgeous. It was an honor to have the opportunity to really explore these works through judging.


Best in Show: Kim Schmidt  A Soft Cover for Hard Times;  2nd Place:  Nancy Kennedy  Bauhaus Collection;  3rd Place: Katie Pasquini Masopust Rejila Calliente!;  4th Place: Melody Williams  Native American’s Vote

Heart of the Redwoods – Quilt Award:  Angie Tustison  Ski Buddies

Award of Merit - Knitting: Molly Quinones  Sunday Cardigan;  Award of Merit – Book Art:  Michele Kamprath Magpie;  Award of Merit – Old School Illustration as Quilt: Susie Freese Vintage Embroidery;  Award of Merit – Felting:  Claire MacKenzie Evening Warmth;  Award of Merit – Wood: Michael Thompson  Heart of the Redwoods;  Award of Merit - Unusual Materials  Yael Bentovim-Burkes  SENTRIES;  Award of Merit – Hat:  Amy Fowler  Balance of Power;  Award of Merit – Portrait:  Ruthanne Rocha  Hip-hop T

Note:  please contact the artist directly for any enquiries regarding the artwork displayed in these Historical Exhibitions.

Click any image below to start viewing the gallery.

Art Inquiry or Purchase

If you would like to purchase a work of art, please use this form to send a message naming the artist and the title of the work of art.

Please include your phone number.

The RAA will help facilitate your purchase with the artist.  Thank you!

Thanks for submitting, an RAA Staff member will be in touch! Click the "View Gallery" link above to return to the gallery.

© 2025 Redwood Art Association

603 F Street, Eureka, CA 95501


Gallery Hours

12pm - 5pm  Tuesday-Saturday

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